Graduate textbook by Robert Wald.
Examples for "general relativity"
Examples for "general relativity"
1No one has ever observed any physical phenomena to contradict general relativity.
2Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves in his 1916 theory of general relativity.
3If general relativity is wrong, why have all experiments thus far supported it?
4But according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, the information must be destroyed.
5The three questions all come from Einstein's theory of general relativity.
1For I'm weary wi' hunting, and fain wald lie down.
2The film they smuggled out led to the Allied bombing of Buchen-wald in August 1944.
3This region still retains the name (Teutoberger wald-Teutobergiensissaltus) which it bore in the days of Arminius.
4Till him he send; and gan him pray, That he wald cum all anerly For to spek with him priuely.
5The people felt that 'the Lord's hand wald nocht stay unto the tyme the Ministers of God and Noble-men war brought hame again.'
6For he wald se his gouernyng, That had the castell in keping: And gert mak mony juperty, To se quhethyr he wald ische blythly.
7Completely unlike Kyle's nephew-JasonWald-whonow seems to be next in line.
8Wald sank back into his chair, watching Nathaniel walk to the exit.
9Wald tapped the horn, the garage door opened, and they pulled inside.
10Other landholders have imitated his example with great advantage.-Rentsch ,DerWald, pp.
11A Wald test was used to assess noninferiority of the clinical grading system.
12Dose estimates were compared across hospital characteristics using Bonferroni-adjusted Wald test.
13So this was over about 20 states, said the USGS's Wald.
14Mannhardt, Wald un Feld-Kulte; Frazer, The Golden Bough, and Adonis, Attis and Osiris.
15Wald double-checked the safety and tucked his trophy back into his shoulder holster.
16Wald switched on a snake light and aimed the beam at the photos.